diff options
50 files changed, 21221 insertions, 341 deletions
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pins are tri-stated. For the single protocol, the DQ0 pin is driven with the transmit data as normal." + }, + "1": { + "displayName": "tx", + "description": "The receive FIFO is not populated." + } + } + } + } + }, + "len": { + "description": "Number of bits per frame", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x8" + } + } + }, + "txdata": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x048", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Transmit data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x00" + }, + "full": { + "description": "FIFO full flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + }, + "rxdata": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x04C", + "resetMask": "none", + "access": "r", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Received data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8" + }, + "empty": { + "description": "FIFO empty flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1" + } + } + }, + "txmark": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x050", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Transmit watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "rxmark": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x054", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Receive watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "fctrl": { + "description": "Flash Interface Control Register", + "addressOffset": "0x060", + "fields": { + "en": { + "description": "SPI Flash Mode Select", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "ffmt": { + "description": "Flash Instruction Format Register", + "addressOffset": "0x064", + "fields": { + "cmden": { + "description": "Enable sending of command", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + }, + "addrlen": { + "description": "Number of address bytes(0 to 4)", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x3" + }, + "padcnt": { + "description": "Number of dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "4", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting command", + "bitOffset": "8", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "addrproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting address and padding", + "bitOffset": "10", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "dataproto": { + "description": "Protocol for receiving data bytes", + "bitOffset": "12", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdcode": { + "description": "Value of command byte", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x03" + }, + "padcode": { + "description": "First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "24", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ie": { + "description": "Interrupt Enable Register", + "addressOffset": "0x070", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ip": { + "description": "Interrupt Pending Register", + "addressOffset": "0x074", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + } + }, + "interrupts": { + "spi0": { + "description": "SPI0 Interrupt", + "value": "6" + } + } + }, + "pwm0": { + "description": "Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Peripheral", + "baseAddress": "0x20005000", + "size": "0x1000", + "resetMask": "none", + "groupName": "pwm", + "registers": { + "cfg": { + "description": "Configuration Register", + "addressOffset": "0x000", + "fields": { + "scale": { + "description": "Counter scale", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "4" + }, + "sticky": { + "description": "Sticky - 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/FreedomStudio/E31FPGA/global_interrupts/.cproject b/FreedomStudio/E31FPGA/global_interrupts/.cproject index 4c984ec..971ceb4 100644 --- a/FreedomStudio/E31FPGA/global_interrupts/.cproject +++ b/FreedomStudio/E31FPGA/global_interrupts/.cproject @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ </extensions> </storageModule> <storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0"> - <configuration artifactName="${ProjName}" buildArtefactType="org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.exe" buildProperties="org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType=org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildArtefactType.exe,org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildType=org.eclipse.cdt.build.core.buildType.debug" cleanCommand="${cross_rm} -rf" description="" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.config.elf.debug.1419430722" name="Debug" parent="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.config.elf.debug"> + <configuration artifactName="${ProjName}" 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superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.assembler"> + <builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/coreplexip_welcome}/Debug" errorParsers="org.eclipse.cdt.core.GmakeErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.CWDLocator" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.builder.964786236" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="true" name="Gnu Make Builder" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.builder"/> + <tool command="${cross_prefix}${cross_c}${cross_suffix}" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${cross_toolchain_flags} ${FLAGS} -c ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}" errorParsers="org.eclipse.cdt.core.GASErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.GCCErrorParser" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.assembler.1772574500" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Assembler" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.assembler"> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.assembler.usepreprocessor.1451354185" name="Use 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id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.compiler.424460842" name="GNU RISC-V Cross C Compiler" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.compiler"> + <tool command="${cross_prefix}${cross_c}${cross_suffix}" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${cross_toolchain_flags} ${FLAGS} -c ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}" errorParsers="org.eclipse.cdt.core.GLDErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.GCCErrorParser" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.compiler.424460842" name="GNU RISC-V Cross C Compiler" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.compiler"> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.compiler.defs.1682056018" name="Defined symbols (-D)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.compiler.defs" useByScannerDiscovery="true" valueType="definedSymbols"> <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="USE_LOCAL_ISR"/> </option> @@ -74,25 +75,29 @@ <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="../../../../bsp/env/coreplexip-e31-arty"/> <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="../../../../bsp/drivers"/> </option> - <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.compiler.other.2042911660" name="Other compiler flags" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.compiler.other" useByScannerDiscovery="true" value="-include sys/cdefs.h -fno-builtin-printf -c" valueType="string"/> + <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.compiler.other.2042911660" name="Other compiler flags" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.compiler.other" useByScannerDiscovery="true" value="-include sys/cdefs.h -c" valueType="string"/> <inputType id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.compiler.input.1695943366" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.compiler.input"/> </tool> <tool id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.cpp.compiler.1929533144" name="GNU RISC-V Cross C++ Compiler" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.cpp.compiler"/> - <tool id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.linker.289860176" name="GNU RISC-V Cross C Linker" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.linker"> + <tool command="${cross_prefix}${cross_c}${cross_suffix}" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${cross_toolchain_flags} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}" errorParsers="" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.linker.289860176" name="GNU RISC-V Cross C Linker" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.linker"> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.gcsections.829017513" name="Remove unused sections (-Xlinker --gc-sections)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.gcsections" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="false" valueType="boolean"/> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.nostart.411410557" name="Do not use standard start files (-nostartfiles)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.nostart" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.libs.1839746398" name="Libraries (-l)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.libs" useByScannerDiscovery="false" valueType="libs"> - <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="c"/> <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="wrap-E31FPGA"/> + <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="c"/> </option> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.paths.1780520059" name="Library search path (-L)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.paths" useByScannerDiscovery="false" valueType="libPaths"> <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="../../wrap-E31FPGA/Debug"/> <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="../"/> </option> - <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.other.724386459" name="Other linker flags" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.other" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="-Wl,--start-group -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--wrap=malloc -Wl,--wrap=free -Wl,--wrap=open -Wl,--wrap=lseek -Wl,--wrap=read -Wl,--wrap=write -Wl,--wrap=fstat -Wl,--wrap=stat -Wl,--wrap=close -Wl,--wrap=link -Wl,--wrap=unlink -Wl,--wrap=execve -Wl,--wrap=fork -Wl,--wrap=getpid -Wl,--wrap=kill -Wl,--wrap=wait -Wl,--wrap=isatty -Wl,--wrap=times -Wl,--wrap=sbrk -Wl,--wrap=_exit" valueType="string"/> + <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.other.724386459" name="Other linker flags" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.other" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="-Wl,--start-group -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--wrap=malloc -Wl,--wrap=free -Wl,--wrap=open -Wl,--wrap=lseek -Wl,--wrap=read -Wl,--wrap=write -Wl,--wrap=fstat -Wl,--wrap=stat -Wl,--wrap=close -Wl,--wrap=link -Wl,--wrap=unlink -Wl,--wrap=execve -Wl,--wrap=fork -Wl,--wrap=getpid -Wl,--wrap=kill -Wl,--wrap=wait -Wl,--wrap=isatty -Wl,--wrap=times -Wl,--wrap=sbrk -Wl,--wrap=_exit -Wl,--wrap=puts" valueType="string"/> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.scriptfile.1308651449" name="Script files (-T)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.scriptfile" useByScannerDiscovery="false" valueType="stringList"> <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value=""${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/bsp/env/coreplexip-e31-arty/flash.lds}""/> </option> + <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.usenewlibnano.1466466974" name="Use newlib-nano (--specs=nano.specs)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.usenewlibnano" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> + <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.usenewlibnosys.1236398625" name="Do not use syscalls (--specs=nosys.specs)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.usenewlibnosys" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="false" valueType="boolean"/> + <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.useprintffloat.1401165837" name="Use float with nano printf (-u _printf_float)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.useprintffloat" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="false" valueType="boolean"/> + <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.usescanffloat.1354938439" name="Use float with nano scanf (-u _scanf_float)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.usescanffloat" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="false" valueType="boolean"/> <inputType id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.linker.input.1622617219" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.c.linker.input"> <additionalInput kind="additionalinputdependency" paths="$(USER_OBJS)"/> <additionalInput kind="additionalinput" paths="$(LIBS)"/> @@ -102,7 +107,7 @@ <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.cpp.linker.gcsections.1728896073" name="Remove unused sections (-Xlinker --gc-sections)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.cpp.linker.gcsections" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> </tool> <tool id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.archiver.1440702077" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Archiver" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.archiver"/> - <tool id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.createflash.72955671" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Create Flash Image" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.createflash"/> + <tool command="${cross_prefix}${cross_objcopy}${cross_suffix}" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT}" errorParsers="" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.createflash.72955671" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Create Flash Image" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.createflash"/> <tool id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.createlisting.896585596" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Create Listing" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.createlisting"> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.source.1085159845" name="Display source (--source|-S)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.source" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.allheaders.1809323208" name="Display all headers (--all-headers|-x)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.allheaders" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> @@ -110,7 +115,7 @@ <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.linenumbers.197772274" name="Display line numbers (--line-numbers|-l)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.linenumbers" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.wide.2070658666" name="Wide lines (--wide|-w)" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.createlisting.wide" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> </tool> - <tool id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.printsize.1974544044" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Print Size" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.printsize"> + <tool command="${cross_prefix}${cross_size}${cross_suffix}" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS}" errorParsers="" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.printsize.1974544044" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Print Size" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.printsize"> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.printsize.format.1826132396" name="Size format" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.printsize.format" useByScannerDiscovery="false"/> </tool> </toolChain> @@ -118,6 +123,7 @@ </configuration> </storageModule> <storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings"/> + <storageModule moduleId="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.packs"/> </cconfiguration> <cconfiguration id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.config.elf.release.188392491"> <storageModule buildSystemId="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.configurationDataProvider" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.config.elf.release.188392491" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings" name="Release"> diff --git a/FreedomStudio/E31FPGA/global_interrupts/e31arty-xsvd.json b/FreedomStudio/E31FPGA/global_interrupts/e31arty-xsvd.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4879d45 --- /dev/null +++ b/FreedomStudio/E31FPGA/global_interrupts/e31arty-xsvd.json @@ -0,0 +1,1250 @@ +{ + "schemaVersion": "0.2.4", + "contentVersion": "0.2.0", + "headerVersion": "0.2.0", + "device": { + "e31arty": { + "displayName": "Core Complex E31 Arty", + "description": "SiFive’s E31 is a synthesised version of Core Complex E31 running on the Arty board.", + "supplier": { + "name": "sifive", + "id": "1", + "displayName": "SiFive", + "fullName": "SiFive, Inc.", + "contact": "info@sifive.com" + }, + "busWidth": "32", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x00000000", + "access": "rw", + "headerGuardPrefix": "SIFIVE_DEVICES_ARTY_E31_", + "headerTypePrefix": "sifive_e31arty_", + "headerInterruptPrefix": "sifive_e31arty_interrupt_global_", + "headerInterruptEnumPrefix": "riscv_interrupts_global_", + "revision": "r0p0", + "numInterrupts": "26", + "priorityBits": "3", + "regWidth": "32", + "cores": { + "e31": { + "harts": "1", + "isa": "RV32IMAC", + "isaVersion": "2.2", + "mpu": "pmp", + "mmu": "none", + "localInterrupts": { + "machine_software": { + "description": "Machine Software Interrupt", + "value": "3" + }, + "machine_timer": { + "description": "Machine Timer Interrupt", + "value": "7" + }, + "machine_ext": { + "description": "Machine External Interrupt", + "value": "11" + }, + "0": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 0", + "value": "16" + }, + "1": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 1", + "value": "17" + }, + "2": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 2", + "value": "18" + }, + "3": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 3", + "value": "19" + }, + "4": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 4", + "value": "20" + }, + "5": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 5", + "value": "21" + }, + "6": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 6", + "value": "22" + }, + "7": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 7", + "value": "23" + }, + "8": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 8", + "value": "24" + }, + "9": { + "description": "Local Interrupt 9", + "value": "25" + }, + "10": { + "description": "Local 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"high": { + "description": "Machine Compare Register High", + "addressOffset": "0x0004" + } + } + }, + "mtime": { + "description": "Machine Time Register", + "addressOffset": "0xBFF8", + "access": "r", + "registers": { + "low": { + "description": "Machine Time Register Low", + "addressOffset": "0x0000" + }, + "high": { + "description": "Machine Time Register High", + "addressOffset": "0x0004" + } + } + } + } + }, + "plic": { + "description": "Platform-Level Interrupt Controller (PLIC) Peripheral", + "baseAddress": "0x0C000000", + "size": "0x4000000", + "registers": { + "priorities": { + "arraySize": "27", + "description": "Interrupt Priorities Registers; 0 is reserved.", + "addressOffset": "0x0000", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "The priority for a given global interrupt", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "pendings": { + "arraySize": "8", + "description": "Interrupt Pending Bits Registers", + "addressOffset": "0x1000", + "access": "r" + } + }, + "clusters": { + "enablestarget0": { + "description": "Hart 0 Interrupt Enable Bits", + "addressOffset": "0x00002000", + "clusters": { + "m": { + "addressOffset": "0x0000", + "description": "Hart 0 M-mode Interrupt Enable Bits", + "registers": { + "enables": { + "arraySize": "8", + "description": "Interrupt Enable Bits Registers", + "addressOffset": "0x0000" + } + } + } + } + }, + "target0": { + "description": "Hart 0 Interrupt Thresholds", + "addressOffset": "0x00200000", + "clusters": { + "m": { + "addressOffset": "0x0000", + "description": "Hart 0 M-Mode Interrupt Threshold", + "registers": { + "threshold": { + "description": "The Priority Threshold Register", + "addressOffset": "0x0000", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "The priority threshold value", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "claimcomplete": { + "description": "The Interrupt Claim/Completion Register", + "addressOffset": "0x0004" + } + } + } + } + } + }, + "interrupts": { + "switch0": { + "description": "SWITCH 0 Interrupt", + "value": "2" + }, + "switch1": { + "description": "SWITCH 1 Interrupt", + "value": "3" + }, + "switch2": { + "description": "SWITCH 2 Interrupt", + "value": "4" + }, + "switch3": { + "description": "SWITCH 3 Interrupt", + "value": "5" + } + } + }, + "gpio": { + "description": "General Purpose Input/Output Controller (GPIO) Peripheral", + "baseAddress": "0x20002000", + "size": "0x1000", + "registers": { + "value": { + "description": "Pin Value Register", + "addressOffset": "0x000", + "fields": { + "bit": { + "repeatGenerator": "0-31", + "description": "Value Bit Field", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "headerName": "" + } + } + }, + "inputen": { + "description": "Pin Input Enable Register", + "addressOffset": "0x004", + "fields": { + "bit": { + "repeatGenerator": "0-31", + "description": "Pin Input Enable Bit Field", + "bitOffset": "0", + 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For the single protocol, the DQ0 pin is driven with the transmit data as normal." + }, + "1": { + "displayName": "tx", + "description": "The receive FIFO is not populated." + } + } + } + } + }, + "len": { + "description": "Number of bits per frame", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x8" + } + } + }, + "txdata": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x048", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Transmit data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x00" + }, + "full": { + "description": "FIFO full flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + }, + "rxdata": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x04C", + "resetMask": "none", + "access": "r", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Received data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8" + }, + "empty": { + "description": "FIFO empty flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1" + } + } + }, + "txmark": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x050", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Transmit watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "rxmark": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x054", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Receive watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "fctrl": { + "description": "Flash Interface Control Register", + "addressOffset": "0x060", + "fields": { + "en": { + "description": "SPI Flash Mode Select", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "ffmt": { + "description": "Flash Instruction Format Register", + "addressOffset": "0x064", + "fields": { + "cmden": { + "description": "Enable sending of command", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + }, + "addrlen": { + "description": "Number of address bytes(0 to 4)", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x3" + }, + "padcnt": { + "description": "Number of dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "4", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting command", + "bitOffset": "8", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "addrproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting address and padding", + "bitOffset": "10", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "dataproto": { + "description": "Protocol for receiving data bytes", + "bitOffset": "12", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdcode": { + "description": "Value of command byte", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x03" + }, + "padcode": { + "description": "First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "24", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ie": { + "description": "Interrupt Enable Register", + "addressOffset": "0x070", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ip": { + "description": "Interrupt Pending Register", + "addressOffset": "0x074", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + } + }, + "interrupts": { + "spi0": { + "description": "SPI0 Interrupt", + "value": "6" + } + } + }, + "pwm0": { + "description": "Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Peripheral", + "baseAddress": "0x20005000", + "size": "0x1000", + "resetMask": "none", + "groupName": "pwm", + "registers": { + "cfg": { + "description": "Configuration Register", + "addressOffset": "0x000", + "fields": { + "scale": { + "description": "Counter scale", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "4" + }, + "sticky": { + "description": "Sticky - 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For the single protocol, the DQ0 pin is driven with the transmit data as normal." + }, + "1": { + "displayName": "tx", + "description": "The receive FIFO is not populated." + } + } + } + } + }, + "len": { + "description": "Number of bits per frame", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x8" + } + } + }, + "txdata": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x048", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Transmit data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x00" + }, + "full": { + "description": "FIFO full flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + }, + "rxdata": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x04C", + "resetMask": "none", + "access": "r", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Received data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8" + }, + "empty": { + "description": "FIFO empty flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1" + } + } + }, + "txmark": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x050", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Transmit watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "rxmark": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x054", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Receive watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "fctrl": { + "description": "Flash Interface Control Register", + "addressOffset": "0x060", + "fields": { + "en": { + "description": "SPI Flash Mode Select", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "ffmt": { + "description": "Flash Instruction Format Register", + "addressOffset": "0x064", + "fields": { + "cmden": { + "description": "Enable sending of command", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + }, + "addrlen": { + "description": "Number of address bytes(0 to 4)", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x3" + }, + "padcnt": { + "description": "Number of dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "4", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting command", + "bitOffset": "8", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "addrproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting address and padding", + "bitOffset": "10", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "dataproto": { + "description": "Protocol for receiving data bytes", + "bitOffset": "12", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdcode": { + "description": "Value of command byte", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x03" + }, + "padcode": { + "description": "First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "24", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ie": { + "description": "Interrupt Enable Register", + "addressOffset": "0x070", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ip": { + "description": "Interrupt Pending Register", + "addressOffset": "0x074", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + } + }, + "interrupts": { + "spi0": { + "description": "SPI0 Interrupt", + "value": "6" + } + } + }, + "pwm0": { + "description": "Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Peripheral", + "baseAddress": "0x20005000", + "size": "0x1000", + "resetMask": "none", + "groupName": "pwm", + "registers": { + "cfg": { + "description": "Configuration Register", + "addressOffset": "0x000", + "fields": { + "scale": { + "description": "Counter scale", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "4" + }, + "sticky": { + "description": "Sticky - disallow clearing pwmcmpXip bits", + "bitOffset": "8", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "zerocmp": { + "description": "Zero - counter resets to zero after match", + "bitOffset": "9", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "deglitch": { + "description": "Deglitch - latch pwmcmpXip within same cycle", + "bitOffset": "10", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "enalways": { + "description": "Enable always - run continuously", + "bitOffset": "12", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "enoneshot": { + "description": "enable one shot - run one cycle", + "bitOffset": "13", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmp0center": { + "description": "PWM0 Compare Center", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp1center": { + "description": "PWM1 Compare Center", + "bitOffset": "17", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp2center": { + "description": "PWM2 Compare Center", + "bitOffset": "18", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp3center": { + "description": "PWM3 Compare Center", + "bitOffset": "19", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp0gang": { + "description": "PWM0/PWM1 Compare Gang", + "bitOffset": "24", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp1gang": { + "description": "PWM1/PWM2 Compare Gang", + "bitOffset": "25", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp2gang": { + "description": "PWM2/PWM3 Compare Gang", + "bitOffset": "26", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp3gang": { + "description": "PWM3/PWM0 Compare Gang", + "bitOffset": "27", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp0ip": { + "description": "PWM0 Interrupt Pending", + "bitOffset": "28", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp1ip": { + "description": "PWM1 Interrupt Pending", + "bitOffset": "29", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp2ip": { + "description": "PWM2 Interrupt Pending", + "bitOffset": "30", + "bitWidth": "1" + }, + "cmp3ip": { + "description": "PWM3 Interrupt Pending", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1" + } + } + }, + "count": { + "description": "Configuration Register", + "addressOffset": "0x008" + }, + "scale": { + "description": "Scale Register", + "addressOffset": "0x010", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Compare value", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8" + } + } + }, + "cmp": { + "arraySize": "4", + "description": "Compare Registers", + "addressOffset": "0x020", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Compare value", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8" + } + } + } + }, + "interrupts": { + "pwm0cmp0": { + "description": "PWM0 Compare 0 Interrupt", + "value": "23" + }, + "pwm0cmp1": { + "description": "PWM0 Compare 1 Interrupt", + "value": "24" + }, + "pwm0cmp2": { + "description": "PWM0 Compare 2 Interrupt", + "value": "25" + }, + "pwm0cmp3": { + "description": "PWM0 Compare 3 Interrupt", + "value": "26" + } + } + } + } + } + } +}
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value="true" valueType="boolean"/> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.addtools.printsize.526661695" name="Print size" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.addtools.printsize" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> <targetPlatform archList="all" binaryParser="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ELF" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.targetPlatform.1319613729" isAbstract="false" osList="all" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.targetPlatform"/> - <builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/wrap-E51FPGA}/Release" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.builder.1658545344" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="true" name="Gnu Make Builder" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.builder"/> + <builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/wrap-E31FPGA}/Release" id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.builder.1658545344" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="true" name="Gnu Make Builder" 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id="wrap-E31FPGA.ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.target.lib.109943252" name="Static Library" projectType="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.target.lib"/> </storageModule> <storageModule moduleId="scannerConfiguration"> <autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId=""/> @@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ <storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.LanguageSettingsProviders"/> <storageModule moduleId="refreshScope" versionNumber="2"> <configuration configurationName="Debug"> - <resource resourceType="PROJECT" workspacePath="/wrap-E51FPGA"/> + <resource resourceType="PROJECT" workspacePath="/wrap-E31FPGA"/> </configuration> <configuration configurationName="Release"> - <resource resourceType="PROJECT" workspacePath="/wrap-E51FPGA"/> + <resource resourceType="PROJECT" workspacePath="/wrap-E31FPGA"/> </configuration> </storageModule> <storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildtargets"/> diff --git 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For the single protocol, the DQ0 pin is driven with the transmit data as normal." + }, + "1": { + "displayName": "tx", + "description": "The receive FIFO is not populated." + } + } + } + } + }, + "len": { + "description": "Number of bits per frame", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x8" + } + } + }, + "txdata": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x048", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Transmit data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x00" + }, + "full": { + "description": "FIFO full flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + }, + "rxdata": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x04C", + "resetMask": "none", + "access": "r", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Received data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8" + }, + "empty": { + "description": "FIFO empty flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1" + } + } + }, + "txmark": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x050", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Transmit watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "rxmark": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x054", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Receive watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "fctrl": { + "description": "Flash Interface Control Register", + "addressOffset": "0x060", + "fields": { + "en": { + "description": "SPI Flash Mode Select", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "ffmt": { + "description": "Flash Instruction Format Register", + "addressOffset": "0x064", + "fields": { + "cmden": { + "description": "Enable sending of command", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + }, + "addrlen": { + "description": "Number of address bytes(0 to 4)", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x3" + }, + "padcnt": { + "description": "Number of dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "4", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting command", + "bitOffset": "8", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "addrproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting address and padding", + "bitOffset": "10", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "dataproto": { + "description": "Protocol for receiving data bytes", + "bitOffset": "12", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdcode": { + "description": "Value of command byte", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x03" + }, + "padcode": { + "description": "First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "24", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ie": { + "description": "Interrupt Enable Register", + "addressOffset": "0x070", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ip": { + "description": "Interrupt Pending Register", + "addressOffset": "0x074", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + } + }, + "interrupts": { + "spi0": { + "description": "SPI0 Interrupt", + "value": "6" + } + } + }, + "pwm0": { + "description": "Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Peripheral", + "baseAddress": "0x20005000", + "size": "0x1000", + "resetMask": "none", + "groupName": "pwm", + "registers": { + "cfg": { + "description": "Configuration Register", + "addressOffset": "0x000", + "fields": { + "scale": { + "description": "Counter scale", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "4" + }, + "sticky": { + "description": "Sticky - 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For the single protocol, the DQ0 pin is driven with the transmit data as normal." + }, + "1": { + "displayName": "tx", + "description": "The receive FIFO is not populated." + } + } + } + } + }, + "len": { + "description": "Number of bits per frame", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x8" + } + } + }, + "txdata": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x048", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Transmit data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x00" + }, + "full": { + "description": "FIFO full flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + }, + "rxdata": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Data Register", + "addressOffset": "0x04C", + "resetMask": "none", + "access": "r", + "fields": { + "data": { + "description": "Received data", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "8" + }, + "empty": { + "description": "FIFO empty flag", + "bitOffset": "31", + "bitWidth": "1" + } + } + }, + "txmark": { + "description": "Tx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x050", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Transmit watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "rxmark": { + "description": "Rx FIFO Watermark Register", + "addressOffset": "0x054", + "fields": { + "value": { + "description": "Receive watermark", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "fctrl": { + "description": "Flash Interface Control Register", + "addressOffset": "0x060", + "fields": { + "en": { + "description": "SPI Flash Mode Select", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "ffmt": { + "description": "Flash Instruction Format Register", + "addressOffset": "0x064", + "fields": { + "cmden": { + "description": "Enable sending of command", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x1" + }, + "addrlen": { + "description": "Number of address bytes(0 to 4)", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "3", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x3" + }, + "padcnt": { + "description": "Number of dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "4", + "bitWidth": "4", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting command", + "bitOffset": "8", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "addrproto": { + "description": "Protocol for transmitting address and padding", + "bitOffset": "10", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "dataproto": { + "description": "Protocol for receiving data bytes", + "bitOffset": "12", + "bitWidth": "2", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "cmdcode": { + "description": "Value of command byte", + "bitOffset": "16", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x03" + }, + "padcode": { + "description": "First 8 bits to transmit during dummy cycles", + "bitOffset": "24", + "bitWidth": "8", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ie": { + "description": "Interrupt Enable Register", + "addressOffset": "0x070", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark enable", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r", + "resetMask": "all", + "resetValue": "0x0" + } + } + }, + "ip": { + "description": "Interrupt Pending Register", + "addressOffset": "0x074", + "fields": { + "txwm": { + "description": "Transmit watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + }, + "rxwm": { + "description": "Receive watermark pending", + "bitOffset": "1", + "bitWidth": "1", + "access": "r" + } + } + } + }, + "interrupts": { + "spi0": { + "description": "SPI0 Interrupt", + "value": "6" + } + } + }, + "pwm0": { + "description": "Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Peripheral", + "baseAddress": "0x20005000", + "size": "0x1000", + "resetMask": "none", + "groupName": "pwm", + "registers": { + "cfg": { + "description": "Configuration Register", + "addressOffset": "0x000", + "fields": { + "scale": { + "description": "Counter scale", + "bitOffset": "0", + "bitWidth": "4" + }, + "sticky": { + "description": "Sticky - 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/vectored_interrupts/vectored_interrupts OpenOCD.launch b/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/vectored_interrupts/vectored_interrupts OpenOCD.launch index b25a5d2..4f1862d 100644 --- a/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/vectored_interrupts/vectored_interrupts OpenOCD.launch +++ b/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/vectored_interrupts/vectored_interrupts OpenOCD.launch @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ <stringAttribute key="ilg.gnumcueclipse.debug.gdbjtag.openocd.otherInitCommands" value=""/> <stringAttribute key="ilg.gnumcueclipse.debug.gdbjtag.openocd.otherRunCommands" value=""/> <stringAttribute key="ilg.gnumcueclipse.debug.gdbjtag.openocd.secondResetType" value="halt"/> +<stringAttribute key="ilg.gnumcueclipse.debug.gdbjtag.svdPath" value="${project_loc}/e51arty-xsvd.json"/> <stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.core.imageFileName" value=""/> <stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.debug.gdbjtag.core.imageOffset" value=""/> <stringAttribute 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superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.builder"/> <tool id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.assembler.591864289" name="GNU RISC-V Cross Assembler" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.assembler"> <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.assembler.usepreprocessor.1857953841" name="Use preprocessor" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.assembler.usepreprocessor" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="true" valueType="boolean"/> <inputType id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.assembler.input.624389828" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.tool.assembler.input"/> diff --git a/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/wrap-E51FPGA/.project b/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/wrap-E51FPGA/.project index db837eb..237cf16 100644 --- a/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/wrap-E51FPGA/.project +++ b/FreedomStudio/E51FPGA/wrap-E51FPGA/.project @@ -65,124 +65,69 @@ 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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/FreedomStudio/HiFive1/demo_gpio/.cproject b/FreedomStudio/HiFive1/demo_gpio/.cproject index f23cfc4..97bd644 100644 --- a/FreedomStudio/HiFive1/demo_gpio/.cproject +++ b/FreedomStudio/HiFive1/demo_gpio/.cproject @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="c"/> <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value="wrap-hifive1"/> </option> - <option id="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.other.1748443680" name="Other linker flags" superClass="ilg.gnumcueclipse.managedbuild.cross.riscv.option.c.linker.other" useByScannerDiscovery="false" value="-Wl,--start-group -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--wrap=malloc -Wl,--wrap=free -Wl,--wrap=open -Wl,--wrap=lseek -Wl,--wrap=read -Wl,--wrap=write -Wl,--wrap=fstat -Wl,--wrap=stat -Wl,--wrap=close -Wl,--wrap=link -Wl,--wrap=unlink -Wl,--wrap=execve -Wl,--wrap=fork -Wl,--wrap=getpid -Wl,--wrap=kill -Wl,--wrap=wait -Wl,--wrap=isatty -Wl,--wrap=times -Wl,--wrap=sbrk -Wl,--wrap=_exit" 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