path: root/software/first/setup_timer_irq.S
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-08-24setup_timer_irq: remove debugging loadsSilvan Jegen
2019-08-24setup_timer_irq: don't shift ISR address to the leftSilvan Jegen
2019-08-24setup_timer_irq: load ISR with correct instructionSilvan Jegen
We also make sure that the alignment of the ISR is correct. Thanks to the internet for this one as well!
2019-08-24setup_timer_irq: check that we handle the correct IRQSilvan Jegen
2019-08-24setup_timer_irq: set correct MIE bitSilvan Jegen
I got it wrong before but thanks to the internet, I found out about it.
2019-08-24first: introduce wait_for_irqSilvan Jegen
2019-08-17Call delay in ISRSilvan Jegen
2019-08-10Implement first version of ISRSilvan Jegen
2019-08-01Start implementing irq setup and handlingSilvan Jegen