# README # This repository, maintained by SiFive, Inc, makes it easy to get started developing software for the Freedom E RISC-V platform. ### Contents ### * RISC-V Software Toolchain * RISC-V Debugging Toolchain * FPGA Toolchain Commands (Specific to the Freedom E300 Arty Development Kit). ### Setting up the SDK ### First, clone this repository: ``` git clone --recursive http://github.com/sifive/freedom-e-sdk.git ``` Next, build the tools: ``` cd freedom-e-sdk make tools ``` To compile a bare-metal RISC-V program: ``` cd freedom-e-sdk make software [PROGRAM=demo_gpio] ``` To see additional options: ``` cd freedom-e-sdk make help ``` ### For More Information ### Documentation, Forums, and much more available at [dev.sifive.com](http://dev.sifive.com)