// See LICENSE for license details. // This is the program which ships on the HiFive1 // board, executing out of SPI Flash at 0x20400000. #include #include "platform.h" #ifndef _SIFIVE_HIFIVE1_H #error "'led_fade' is designed to run on HiFive1 and/or E300 Arty Dev Kit." #endif static const char led_msg[] = "\a\n\r\n\r\ 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555\n\r\ 5555555 Are the LEDs Changing? [y/n] 555555555\n\r\ 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555\n\r"; static const char sifive_msg[] = "\n\r\ \n\r\ SIFIVE, INC.\n\r\ \n\r\ 5555555555555555555555555\n\r\ 5555 5555\n\r\ 5555 5555\n\r\ 5555 5555\n\r\ 5555 5555555555555555555555\n\r\ 5555 555555555555555555555555\n\r\ 5555 5555\n\r\ 5555 5555\n\r\ 5555 5555\n\r\ 5555555555555555555555555555 55555\n\r\ 55555 555555555 55555\n\r\ 55555 55555 55555\n\r\ 55555 5 55555\n\r\ 55555 55555\n\r\ 55555 55555\n\r\ 55555 55555\n\r\ 55555 55555\n\r\ 55555 55555\n\r\ 555555555\n\r\ 55555\n\r\ 5\n\r\ \n\r\ 'led_fade' Demo \n\r\ \n\r"; static void _putc(char c) { while ((int32_t) UART0_REG(UART_REG_TXFIFO) < 0); UART0_REG(UART_REG_TXFIFO) = c; } int _getc(char * c){ int32_t val = (int32_t) UART0_REG(UART_REG_RXFIFO); if (val > 0) { *c = val & 0xFF; return 1; } return 0; } static void _puts(const char * s) { while (*s != '\0'){ _putc(*s++); } } int main (void){ // Run off 16 MHz Crystal for accuracy. PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) = (PLL_REFSEL(1) | PLL_BYPASS(1)); PRCI_REG(PRCI_PLLCFG) |= (PLL_SEL(1)); // Turn off HFROSC to save power PRCI_REG(PRCI_HFROSCCFG) = 0; // Configure UART to print GPIO_REG(GPIO_OUTPUT_VAL) |= IOF0_UART0_MASK; GPIO_REG(GPIO_OUTPUT_EN) |= IOF0_UART0_MASK; GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_SEL) &= ~IOF0_UART0_MASK; GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_EN) |= IOF0_UART0_MASK; // 115200 Baud Rate UART0_REG(UART_REG_DIV) = 138; UART0_REG(UART_REG_TXCTRL) = UART_TXEN; UART0_REG(UART_REG_RXCTRL) = UART_RXEN; // Wait a bit to avoid corruption on the UART. // (In some cases, switching to the IOF can lead // to output glitches, so need to let the UART // reciever time out and resynchronize to the real // start of the stream. volatile int i=0; while(i < 10000){i++;} _puts(sifive_msg); //_puts("Config String:\n\r"); //_puts(*((const char **) 0x100C)); //_puts("\n\r"); _puts(led_msg); uint16_t r=0xFF; uint16_t g=0; uint16_t b=0; char c = 0; // Set up RGB PWM PWM1_REG(PWM_CFG) = 0; // To balance the power consumption, make one left, one right, and one center aligned. PWM1_REG(PWM_CFG) = (PWM_CFG_ENALWAYS) | (PWM_CFG_CMP2CENTER); PWM1_REG(PWM_COUNT) = 0; // Period is approximately 244 Hz // the LEDs are intentionally left somewhat dim, // as the full brightness can be painful to look at. PWM1_REG(PWM_CMP0) = 0; GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_SEL) |= ( (1 << GREEN_LED_OFFSET) | (1 << BLUE_LED_OFFSET) | (1 << RED_LED_OFFSET)); GPIO_REG(GPIO_IOF_EN ) |= ( (1 << GREEN_LED_OFFSET) | (1 << BLUE_LED_OFFSET) | (1 << RED_LED_OFFSET)); GPIO_REG(GPIO_OUTPUT_XOR) &= ~( (1 << GREEN_LED_OFFSET) | (1 << BLUE_LED_OFFSET)); GPIO_REG(GPIO_OUTPUT_XOR) |= (1 << RED_LED_OFFSET); while(1){ volatile uint64_t * now = (volatile uint64_t*)(CLINT_CTRL_ADDR + CLINT_MTIME); volatile uint64_t then = *now + 100; while (*now < then) { } if(r > 0 && b == 0){ r--; g++; } if(g > 0 && r == 0){ g--; b++; } if(b > 0 && g == 0){ r++; b--; } uint32_t G = g; uint32_t R = r; uint32_t B = b; PWM1_REG(PWM_CMP1) = G << 4; // PWM is low on the left, GPIO is low on the left side, LED is ON on the left. PWM1_REG(PWM_CMP2) = (B << 1) << 4; // PWM is high on the middle, GPIO is low in the middle, LED is ON in the middle. PWM1_REG(PWM_CMP3) = 0xFFFF - (R << 4); // PWM is low on the left, GPIO is low on the right, LED is on on the right. // Check for user input if (c == 0){ if (_getc(&c) != 0){ _putc(c); _puts("\n\r"); if ((c == 'y') || (c == 'Y')){ _puts("PASS\n\r"); } else{ _puts("FAIL\n\r"); } } } } }